Tuesday, October 11, 2011

For my evaluation I would like to evaluate the movie "The Soloist." This is a drama that is set in los Angeles in the late 1990's about a down on his luck journalist who finds an unlikely story in a homeless man who is an extremely talented Musician. The movie starts out with the journalist just trying to write a story but it develops into much more than that The movie follows them through their trying friendship and gives us insight not only into the soloist (Nathaniel Ayers) but also into the journalist (Steve Lopez) This movies is about much more than journalism or music. It is about tragedy and friendship and finding hope in something that looks hopeless. This movie is acutely based on a true story and in my opinion is a drama. This film is worthy of evaluation because it can show us a lot about ourselves and what is possible if we try and make a difference. It also shows us how big of a difference one person can make in the life of another. I think that this movie is classified as a drama. It deals with the development of the characters and the issues that they are facing, It lets those things shape the story and move the plot forward. Other items I would compare it too would be movies like "Pay It Forward", and "The Shawshank Redemption." These movies are in the same category as the soloist and display many of the similar traits that make them all dramas. There are many criteria used to evaluate dramas but the ones I will use are:
  • Well developed and compelling characters,
  • a climactic emotional story,
  • a good plot,
  • the believe ability of the story,
  • how well made the actual movie is.
The characters need to be well developed because in a drama the story is focused around the characters and what they are like and if you cant connect with them or feel for them the movie loses its power. There needs to be a climactic and emotional story because if there is no emotion or conflict the movie will not be classified as a drama. You need to feel something when watching a drama you need to care about the characters and how everything will turn out or it is not worth watching. The plot also needs to be good because the events that make up the story need to be relevant and fit together very well or the movie does not make sense. If the movie is not believable then you will not feel attached to the characters or find the movie very interesting in the terms of a drama. It also needs to be will made. A movie can have all of the four things mentioned above but if it is not made or put together well theatricality then the movie will not be any good. In my opinion if a drama has all five criteria listed above then it fits the genera and is very well done.

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