Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blog 12 Revision

There are many potential health bennifits to embryonic stem cell reaserch. One example of this is Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is a nervous system disorder that leads to: tremors, difficulty walking, and a major decrease in coordination. It is caused by the disintegration of nervous tissue in the brain leading to decreased overall function of the brain. (ncbi) Parkinson’s destroys the nerves in your brain that produce dopamine which helps you send signals between different parts of the brain. With these parts of the brain gone, cretin parts cannot send messages to the other parts causing you to lose control of your muscles.(ncbi) However since embryonic stem cells are indeterminate, if they are introduced to the damaged part of the brain, they could possibly regenerate the lost brain tissues and restore the normal functioning of the individual. This procedure however has not been sufficiently tested because of the small amount of stem cells available and the harsh restrictions on research, and lack of funding in many states. The government only very recently allocated funds to help aid in stem cell research but the money only goes to places that do research on adult stem cells which are not as effective as embryonic stem cells because they are already somewhat specialized and cannot produce the same amount of tissues. They could also possibly produce a cure for paralysis. When someone has a spinal cord injury that causes them to be paralyzed the damage to the spine does not heal on its own because nerves take an almost indefinite time to heal on their own. However if we introduce embryonic stem cells the damaged area then we could grow new nerves, reconnecting the broken spinal cord and restoring movement to the paralyzed part of the body. (ncbi)

Revised :
There are many potential health benefits to embryonic stem cell research. One example of this is Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s is a nervous system disorder that leads to: tremors, difficulty walking, and a major decrease in coordination. It is caused by the disintegration of nervous tissue in the brain, leading to decreased overall function of the brain (ncbi). Parkinson’s destroys the nerves in your brain that produce dopamine, which helps you send signals between different parts of the brain. With these parts of the brain gone, cretin parts cannot send messages to other parts of the brain, causing you to lose control of your muscles (ncbi). However, since embryonic stem cells are indeterminate, if they are introduced to the damaged part of the brain they could possibly regenerate the lost brain tissues, and restore the normal functions of the individual. However, this procedure has not been sufficiently tested because of the small amount of stem cells available, the harsh restrictions on research, and lack of funding in many states.

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