Friday, September 23, 2011

Number 1 party school

The issue of the piece is how being a number one party school effects the people Living and working in State College. There are a few reasons they want to investigate the issues. Gram Spanier said that the number one issue at Penn State is alcohol, not money or academics. Another issue is that the residence of state college are being affected by the Drunkenness of Penn State students. In the intro of the piece They sit on the porch of Sarah Koenig. In only thirty five they see people waking down the street, people littering in her neighbors yard, pulling out a street sign, and multiple people peeing in her yard. I think that the intended audience is middle aged people and possibly Penn State alumni. This was a talk show radio broadcast. The only people I know who listen to talk radio are adults and I don't think the message that they are putting out would be very effective on current Penn State students, most of which like the number one ranking and like the drinking. Ira Glass used a lot of evidence and interviewed many people on all sides of the issue. He interviewed a twenty one year old who was tailgating in a parking garage because Penn State canceled tailgating that weekend because of a huge snowstorm. He says that the drinking at tailgates is a big part of Penn state drinking. Families drink together and when everyone around you is drinking it makes it feel like its ok even if you are not twenty one. He also interviewed an alumni who told them that drinking is just part of the culture and that is part of the reason they sell 110,000 football tickets every Saturday. They also interviewed a freshman outside of east halls and and road the "drunk bus." They said that they were on their second loop because they missed their stop and that they were having a great time. They also interviewed local businesses and most of them are doing great because they gear their businesses to college students. Mclanahans has been very successful but they are still dependent on the university and on if the football wins that weekend. They also interviewed Officer Haines. He is a police officer who has been working in state college for years and he says that most of the crime in State College is due to drunkenness and that the crime is also dependent on how the football team does. The conclusion is that Penn State needs to do something about the drinking and atmosphere of Penn State. They included many interviews of various different people in all aspects of State College life they also used police and hospital reports. They used stories like in the beginning when they sat on the porch and watched the drunk people do what they do. they also used stories from the police and bar owners. Overall I enjoyed the report. It gave a very balanced look on the issue and got points of view from all over state college. I think it ran a little long though and they could of done without some of the lengthy explanations and examples

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis, Mason. Curious to hear more about what they could have gone shorter on -- how they could have made the piece more concise -- in class on Monday!
