Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Me as a writer

In the past I have not been a particularly good writer. I believe that my weaknesses are Spelling and grammar, and style. One major problem I have is writing papers almost like they are lists they do not flow very well and sometimes sound choppy and disconnected. Also I am very bad at spelling and grammar and that has hurt me in the past. These are the two things that I want to most improve in this semester. I feel like the spelling and grammar will come with practice as I write and revise more papers and work more on English in general. I was never particularly good at English in high school so I did not put as much time into it as I should have. one of the things that inspires me to be a better writer is not necessarily a book or song it is a quote it goes "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" This is a quote from the runner Steve Prefontaine. I think the reason I like it so much is because it is so simple it is not long or flashy but it speaks volumes the simplicity and the clarity of his words speak to me and I feel like that quote has impacted my writing a lot. I think that two good writing habits that I have is that I write very clearly and concisely and the fact that since I am so bad at grammar and spelling I do a lot of editing and improving on my rough draft before I turn it in. This helps me correct more than my grammatical errors it also helps me improve on the content and style which still needs a lot more work. My clear and concise writing also helps me to keep from rambling and keeps a liner progression to my writing. I feel that this course will help me with my spelling and grammar just by the papers and reading and it will also help me with style because of the papers and reading "bird by bird." another piece of writing that has influenced me was the "Dissoi Logoi," It is a text that no one knows who wrote it or exactly when it was written. It is an incredibly interesting piece of writing and the style is very interesting. It was originaly written in Greek so the style is very classical and different from what we read today. It also flows very well and is easy to read despite some of the things that get lost in translations or changed so they do not sound the same. I hope to become a better writer so my pieces can flow like that text does. and become easier to read. I am looking forward to this class and becoming a better writer and a better reader. I started bird by bird and it is very interesting so far and I am excited to analyze and read that. I am very excited to take this course it seems very interesting and I need to become a better writer.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Mason! I love that you value conciseness -- I like writing that is clear and to the point, too. And you are correct, with practice, you will get better! A lot of it is practice, working those writing muscles, as Ann Lamott points out in "Bird by Bird." Only one problem: The second half of your text wasn't legible, because it was white text on a white background. I was able to highlight it and read, but just be careful in the future! Thanks.
